Year 2013

公司成立 Establishment of ARA


Year 2014

取得马来西亚马来西亚伊斯兰发展局(JAKIM)授权 Authorised by Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) Malaysia


Year 2015

取得新加坡回教宗教理事会MUIS的授权 Authorised by Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS)


专业及丰富的清真食品认证经验 Extensive Experience in Halal Certification

ARA由伊斯兰教法专家和技术审核专家组成,具备丰富的清真食品认证经验和知识。 ARA consists of Shariah experts and technical specialists auditors with extensive experience and knowledge in Halal food certification.


国际清真标准 International Halal Standards

我们的标准符合国际清真标准,特别是MS 1500:2019; MUIS-HC-S001; GSO 2055-1: 2015; Halal Product Assurance System (SJPH), 也为制造商创造了一个机会和平台来扩大市场。 Our standards comply with international Halal standards, particularly MS 1500:2019, MUIS-HC-S001, GSO 2055-1:2015, and the Halal Product Assurance System (SJPH). This also provides manufacturers with opportunities and a platform to expand their market.