客户咨询 Client Inquiry

客户通过电话或邮件的方式来咨询认证事宜。 The client inquires about the certification via phone or email.


申请资料清单及表格 Document Checklist

ARA发给客户申请认证所需的申请资料清单及表格。 Send client the required documents and forms for the initial certification application.


文件初审 Preliminary Review

客户将申请资料用邮件的方式发来进行文件初审。如果缺少文件将再次通知客户补充。The client sends the complete set of application documents via email for a preliminary review. If any documents insufficient, the client will be notified to provide the necessary supplements.


现场审核 On-Site Audit

文件审核通过后,会安排审核员根据相关清真标准进行现场审核,并如实填写审核报告和审核列表;如审核过程中有不符合项则通知厂家补充相关资料。 Once the document review is approved, an auditor will be assigned to conduct an on-site audit based on relevant Halal standards. The auditor will accurately complete the audit report and checklist; If there are any non-conformities during the audit, the manufacturer will be notified to submit additional supporting documents.


审核通过,发放证书 Approval and Certificate Issuance

通过审核,审核员将审核报告和审核列表附在整套资料一起提交给3人小组安排会议并进行讨论,认证通过后开始制作及发放证书后,进行记录归档。 Upon successful audit completion, the auditor will submit the full set of documentations and audit report to the certification decision committee for review and discussion. After certification approval, the certificate will be issued, and records will be filed accordingly.