ARA清真证书和标识 The Usage ARA Halal Certificate and Logo

1.  证书的使用条件
Conditions on Use of the Certificate

The use of the ARA Halal Certificate is subject to conditions specified for the certification.

  • 未经ARA事先审查和同意,ARA清真证书持有人应对滥用或未经授权使用证书和/或其他认证文件负责,如复印清真证书或将文件翻译成其他语言;
    The holder of the ARA Halal Certificate is responsible for any misuse or unauthorized use of the certificate and/or other certification documents, such as photocopying the halal certificate or translating documents into other languages, without prior review and consent from ARA;

  • 如果发现证书持有人违反ARA清真认证标准,ARA清真证书可以被随时撤销或终止,且禁止使用清真标志;
    The ARA Halal Certificate can be revoked or terminated at any time, and the use of the Halal logo is prohibited if the certificate holder is found to have violated the ARA Halal Certification standards;

  • ARA清真证书不能以任何形式出售、出租、交换、伪造、滥用或更改;
    The ARA Halal Certificate may not be sold, leased, exchanged, forged, misused, or altered in any way;

  • 原版有效的ARA清真证书必须始终显示在证书上指定的地址。
    The original and valid ARA Halal Certificate must be displayed at all times at the address specified on the certificate.

2. 标识使用条件 Conditions on Use of the Logo

2.1 产品/屠宰场 Product/Slaughterhouse

  • ARA清真标识应明确印刷/贴在每个已被清真认证的产品上;
    The ARA Halal Logo must be printed or affixed on each product that has been certified as Halal;

  • ARA清真标识应当符合规范规定;
    The ARA Halal Logo must comply with the specified guidelines;

  • ARA清真标识可放于广告,并应适当地放置;
    The ARA Halal Logo may be used in advertisements and should be placed appropriately;

  • 公司可以打印与相应产品包装相匹配的彩色标识,只要不改变标识的规格。但是,建议按原规格打印标识。
    The company may print the logo in colour to match the respective product packaging, provided it does not alter the logo's specifications. However, it is recommended that the logo be printed according to the original specifications.

2.2 处所 Premise

  • ARA清真标志只能在清真认证的处所显示;
    The ARA Halal Logo may only be displayed at premises that are Halal certified;

  • ARA清真标志只能印在清真认证菜单上;
    The ARA Halal Logo may only be printed on Halal-certified menus;

  • ARA清真标志可以在处所内适当位置显示;
    The ARA Halal Logo may be displayed at an appropriate location within the premises;

  • ARA清真标识可用于广告,但需经ARA书面批准。
    The ARA Halal Logo may be used in advertisements, subject to written approval from ARA.

2.3 酒店 Hotel

  • ARA清真标识可以在清真认证的餐厅/厨房使用,并印刷在清真认证的菜单上;
    The ARA Halal Logo may be printed on the menus of Halal-certified restaurants or kitchens;

  • ARA清真标志可以在餐厅内任何合适的地方显示;
    The ARA Halal Logo may be displayed at appropriate locations within the restaurant;

  • 如果只有厨房有清真认证,ARA清真标志只能在厨房范围显示;
    If only the kitchen is Halal certified, the ARA Halal Logo may only be displayed in the kitchen area;

  • 不允许在付款柜台或类似位置显示清真证书或ARA清真标识;
    The Halal Certificate or ARA Halal Logo may not be displayed at the payment counter or similar locations;

  • 对于酒店,只有当所有为餐厅、咖啡厅和多功能厅提供食品和饮料的厨房都通过清真认证时,才可以在这些区域使用ARA清真标志。
    For hotels, the ARA Halal Logo may only be used in restaurants, coffee houses, and function rooms if all kitchens supplying food and beverages to those areas are Halal certified.