监督审核流程 Surveillance Process

  1. 针对高风险或生产较为敏感产品的厂家(如肉类,屠宰,明胶等)进行不定期的监督审核。
    For factories producing high-risk or sensitive products (such as meat, slaughterhouses, gelatin, etc.), unscheduled surveillance audits will be conducted.

  2.  审核员会携带工厂的整套资料和原审核报告以及审核列表为监督审核做参考。
    The auditor will bring the factory’s full documentation, original audit report, and audit checklist as a reference for the surveillance audit. 

  3. 在不提前告知工厂的情况下进行现场突击检查。
    A surprise on-site inspection will be carried out without prior notice to the factory.

  4. 发现工厂是否存在问题。
    The auditor will check for any issues within the factory.

  5. 审核员发现工厂出现的问题后填写NC表格并告知工厂负责人如何整改。
    If any problems are identified, the auditor will fill out the Non-Compliance (NC) form and inform the factory management on how to address the issues.

  6. 工厂进行整改后提供相关的报告和资料。
    After making the necessary corrections, the factory must provide a report and supporting documentation.

  7. 监督审核发现工厂出现问题的同时通知厂家立即停止使用证书 (防伪二维码也将从后台撤销)。
    If significant issues are found during the surveillance audit, the factory will be immediately instructed to stop using the certification (the security QR code will also be revoked in the system).

  8. 整改后审核员依据工厂提供的整改报告和资料再次进行现场审核。
    Once the corrections are made, the auditor will conduct another on-site audit based on the factory’s corrective report and documentation.

  9. 工厂最终通过监督审核。
    The factory will then pass the final surveillance audit.

  10. 审核员填写监督审核报告,并将本次整改资料和监督审核报告一起记录存档。
    The auditor will complete the surveillance audit report, and all correction records along with the surveillance audit report will be approved by certification decision committee documented and archived.