投诉/认证后问题流程 Complaint/Issues After Certification Process

  1. 在完成认证后,通过邮件(ara@arahalal.org / 1328421491@qq.com),投诉表格,电话 (+86-15515545789) 等渠道收到投诉或有争议的信息。
    After the certification is completed, complaints or disputed information may be received through email (ara@arahalal.org / 1328421491@qq.com), complaint forms,  or phone calls (+86-15515545789).

  2. 所有的投诉都会有专人记录,接收投诉证明材料。
    All complaints are recorded by designated personnel, and supporting evidence is collected.

  3. 根据投诉问题立即采取调查核实,现场确证等措施。
    Immediate measures are taken based on the complaint, such as conducting investigations, verifying facts, and performing on-site confirmations. 

  4. 根据调查结果给出处理意见或措施,如投诉人还有疑问则继续进行调查。
    Based on the investigation results, recommendations or corrective actions are provided. If the complainant still has concerns, further investigation is conducted.

  5. 得出结论和处理意见后需书面告知投诉人。
    Once conclusions and recommendations are reached, the complainant is informed in writing.

  6. 收到书面申诉后,ARA启动投诉调查小组进行处理。
    Upon receiving a formal appeal, ARA initiates a complaints investigation team to handle the matter.

  7. 将调查和处理结果用书面形式告知申诉方。
    The results of the investigation and actions taken are communicated to the appellant in writing.

  8. 申诉方不符合项需再次整改,整改后将措施和结果再次告知投诉人。
    If any non-compliances are identified on the appellant's side, corrective actions must be taken, and the measures and outcomes are communicated to the complainant again.

  9. 最终将本次投诉记录并将档案归档。
    Finally, the complaint is documented and archived for future reference.

  • ARA 制定有据可查的程序,受理、评估投诉和上 诉,并做出决定。阿拉善清真认证服务中心公司应记录和跟踪投诉和申诉,以及为解决投诉和申诉所采取的行动。
    ARA Halal Certification Services Center Inc. documented process to receive, evaluate and make decisions on complaints and appeals. ARA Halal Certification Services Center Inc. record and track complaints and appeals, as well as actions undertaken to resolve them.

  • 为确保没有利益冲突,在咨询或雇佣结束后的两年内,ARA Halal Certification Services Center Inc.不得使用曾为客户提供咨询或受雇于客户的人员(包括以管理者身份行事的人员)审查或批准解决该客户的投诉或上诉。
    To ensure that there is no conflict of interest, personnel (including those acting in a managerial capacity) who have provided consultancy (see 3.2) for a client, or been employed by a client, shall not be used by the ARA Halal Certification Services Center Inc. to review or approve the resolution of a complaint or appeal for that client within two years following the end of the consultancy or employment.