新增加产品,原料变更,产品名称或公司名称变更,增加认证范围等 Adding New Products, Change Raw Materials, Update Product Or Company Names, Or Expand The Scope Of Certification
  1. 认证完成后,工厂会出现新增加产品,原料变更,产品名称或公司名称变更,增加认证范围等情况。
    After certification is completed, the factory may introduce new products, change raw materials, update product or company names, or expand the scope of certification.

  2. ARA向工厂发送所需资料清单并要求工厂重新填写申请表格,并提供详细的物质成分表。签订协议并额外付款。
    ARA will send the factory a list of required documents and ask them to complete a new application form, along with a detailed material composition sheet. An agreement is signed, and additional payment is required. 

  3. 除了填写表格外,工厂还需要提供工艺流程,原料清真证书,清真原料进货单以及包装或标签。
    In addition to completing the forms, the factory must also provide the process flowchart, Halal certificates for raw materials, purchase invoices for Halal materials, as well as packaging or labelling information. 

  4. 资料审核不通过需要填写NC表格并通知工厂补充资料同时进行整改。
    If the document review fails, an NC (Non-Conformance) form must be filled out, and the factory will be asked to provide additional materials and make corrections.

  5. 资料审核通过后安排审核员进行现场审核。
    Once the documents are approved, an auditor will be scheduled for an on-site audit.

  6. 如果审核不通过,工厂必须提供的整改报告和资料再次进行现场审核。
    If the audit is not approved, the factory must submit a corrective action report and supporting documents for a follow-up on-site audit.

  7. 工厂最终通过现场审核。
    The factory eventually passes the on-site audit.

  8. 根据工厂提供的整套变更资料以及审核员的审核报告,批准厂家变更证书内容或新增加产品等申请。
    Based on the complete set of revised documents provided by the factory and the auditor’s report, the changes to the certificate or the addition of new products will be approved.